This policy is an addendum to the standard Vimeo VOD use policy and constitutes an agreement between the renter/subscriber and the owner of the content on The Gospel According to Mark for Venues channel to relax some of the use limitations imposed by the original policy while observing its intent, to wit, that the renter/subscriber shall not use the content in any way that might undermine the owner's ability to sell and profit from his content by other means, and to be the sole party to profit from its sale.
Rentals and subscriptions from The Gospel According to Mark for Venues page are not for individuals but for organizations, referred to here as, "venues," with the expectation that "venues" will in most cases refer to theatres, churches, and schools.
Once a venue has paid for access to The Book of Mark for Venues channel, it will be able to stream the content from within its own account; the venue will also receive a link and password to share with its audience, members, or students, so that they may watch it free. Venues must not charge anyone to watch the content.*
When sharing the link and password with their audience, venues must include the following language:
”Please note that this content is provided free to you as an exclusive benefit of belonging to [name of organization]. It is forbidden to share this link, password, or the content it grants access to with anyone, with the exception of viewing it with family and friends on your own device at home. Resale or re-broadcast of any kind is strictly prohibited."
Venues please note you may only share this link and password with people who are already on your organization's email list. This information may not be used in any outside advertisements, publications, broadcasts, or recruitment campaigns. All advertisements should be directed at people who can be reasonably understood to be current members of a venue.
However, if you embed the video on your organization website, you may encourage people to join your mailing list by offering them access to the content with language such as:
"Sign up to our newsletter/mailing list to receive exclusive access to this content!"
Venues may advertise the content on their main website, face-to-face at the venue, and via email to subscribed recipients of their regular email list. Sharing or advertising of the content via social media, radio, television, or print (with the exception of internal circulars, such as a theatre, school, or church newsletters) is strictly prohibited.
The owner of the content reserves the right to revoke access at any time, without reimbursement of the rental or subscription fee, if he has reason to believe the venue is in violation of either the letter or spirit of this agreement.
Renting or subscribing to The Gospel According to Mark for Venues channel constitutes an agreement to abide by the terms of this policy.
*Venues wishing to license for re-broadcast must make special arrangements with booking@kingjameslive.org.